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FREE Emergency First Aid Course – Biker Down Scotland


Motorcycle Scotland loves any project or concept that aims to improve riding skills and safety. Motorcycling is a great vocation, and one we all want to keep doing as long as we can. BIKER DOWN is one of those fantastic concepts put together by people who are on the front lines and truly care about you and I. We are seriously impressed by what these guys do and they deserve all our support! …


Biker Down Scotland


What is Biker Down?

In summary, a FREE Emergency First Aid course for Bikers provided by Fire and Rescue Services across the UK!

Who runs it?

The Team at Biker Down ScotlandThe courses are primarily Provided by Fire and Rescue Services across the UK and run by off duty Fire fighters. The majority of which are bikers volunteering to put something back into biking and hopefully helping to save a life.

What are the aims and what does it involve?

The Biker Down course is an educational and engagement tool aimed primarily at the motorcycle community with the focus on contributing to the reduction in the number of KSI’s (killed and seriously injured) involving motorcyclists. The objective is to give participants a better understanding of what to do if they come across a road traffic collision and how to manage it safely.

The course is delivered in three modules:

Module 1: Scene Management and Safety

This module is all about maintaining your own safety as a priority, attending to the casualty and preserving the scene keeping all of the following in mind:

Module 2: First aid and Trauma

Biker Down Scotland MotherwellDealing with major bleeds & traumas. The very important guidance and techniques on helmet removal. Helmet removal and the ways to do it can be crucial in dealing with a serious accident and could save a persons life and/or prevent them from paralysis.

Module 3: Science of being seen

Covering how to take control of a scene and making use of what’s around you. During an incident you want o be as obvious and visible as possible. Advice on how to utilise objects around you, such as high viz and other techniques to help you and the incident become more prominent and thus safe for everyone.

Where are the courses held?

The courses last approximately 3 hours and are held in the …

West of Scotland at:

and in the East at:

As a side note Biker Down is also run by 25 other Fire and Rescue Services up and down the UK!

How do I get Involved?

Biker Down Scotland doing a presentationBiker Down Scotland has an active Facebook Page where they regularly post current and up coming courses.

If you would like to book a place on any of the courses please e-mail: